Game Mats. Revolutionized.
Battle Mats
Erase After 1 year+
We’ve tested Dry-Erase markings on our game mats to clean off over 1 year later: using household cleaner.
Draw your maps before game night. Keep them after.
Food & Drink Proof
Our material will be untouched by any food or drink. Let the party feast.
Eat and drink anything around our game mats.
Naturally Lays Flat
Weighting and flattening game mats are a thing of the past.
Gravity + our Material = Flatness
Rolls & Folds
Store it and journey with it with the ease you want. Roll it and go. Fold it and go.
Unroll it and play. Unfold it and play.
Figurines, dice and hands will no longer smear your game maps.
Lean on it, touch it.
Erase After 1+ Year
We’ve tested Dry-Erase markings on our game mats to clean off over 1 year later: using household cleaner.
Draw your maps before game night. Keep them after.
Food & Drink Proof
Our material will be untouched by any food or drink. Let the party feast.
Eat and drink anything around our game mats.
Naturally Lays Flat
Weighting and flattening game mats are a thing of the past.
Gravity + our Material = Flatness
Store it and journey with it with the ease you want. Roll it and go. Fold it and go.
Unroll it and play. Unfold it and play.
Figurines, dice and hands will no longer smear your game maps.
Touch it.
Our Mats
Parchment Game Mat
Our most popular Game Mat. In the distressed style of the ancient and medieval eras.
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White Game Mat
The original mat. In a classic, sleek white.
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ParchMent Game Mat
Our most popular Game Mat. In the distressed style of the ancient and medieval eras.
FREE Shipping
White Game MAt
The original mat. In a classic, sleek white.
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“The quest requires the best of you: courage, bravery, strength, wisdom, but also…
The Best Of Tools”
Master’s and Parties are Saying…